Regulation on the Prohibition of Smoking on the Territory of the State Enterprise Hotel Minsk:
1. The territory of the state enterprise Hotel Minsk is a smoke-free territory.
It is forbidden to consume and use with the exception of specially designated smoking areas specified in clause 2 of this Regulation:
• smoking tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, mouthpiece cigarettes, tobacco for hookah, pipe and smoking tobacco, tobacco shag, etc.);
• non-smoking tobacco products (snus, nasvay, sucking tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, etc.);
• electronic smoking systems;
• systems for tobacco consumption.
2. The location of the specially designated smoking areas:
2.1. place No. 1 - for guests of the Hotel Minsk (building No. 1) and visitors (guests) of public catering facilities – is located on the street near the entrance to building No. 1 from the side of the parking lot;
2.2. place No. 2 - for tenants of building No. 2 and their visitors, visitors of public catering facilities of building No. 2 (including café “Troitsa” LLC KhorekaProGrupp); tenants of building No. 1 and their visitors (including the beauty salon LLC “Glory-style”, premises of LLC “Man's Rules”); employees of the enterprise and etc. – is located on the street near the entrance to building No. 2 from the side of the parking lot;
2.3. place No. 3 - for the employees of the tenant (casino LLC “Dakaray”) - is located on the street near the entrance to building No. 1 from the side of Volodarsky street (before the emergency exit to the hotel parking lot).
2.4. place No. 4 - for guests of the banquet room (2nd floor) of building No. 1 (the restaurant “Minsk”) - is located on a balcony of the 2nd floor of building No. 1 adjacent to the banquet hall.
The employees of the enterprise are allowed to smoke in specially designated areas during breaks for rest and meals and technological breaks.
3. The management staff of the hotel monitors the compliance with the smoking prohibition in hotel rooms and rental premises. In case of violation of this prohibition, they compose an Act of violation together with the head (deputy head) of the hotel services, engineer on labor protection, head (deputy head) of the security, guard and discipline service or the senior inspector of the security, guard and discipline service.
3.1. The confirmation of the fact of smoking outside the specially designated areas is an Act of violation and a photograph (if any).
3.2. The Act of violation of the smoking prohibition must be sent to:
3.2.1. the office of the reception, accommodation and sales service no later than the day of the guest’s departure (in case of violation of the smoking prohibition in hotel rooms) with preliminary immediate notification of the reception staff about the violation to record relevant information into the hotel management system;
3.2.2. the financial and economic service - within one business day from the date of composing the Act of violation (in case of violation of the smoking prohibition by tenants in rented premises and on the territory of the enterprise);
4. Food service staff (head waiter) notifies visitors of public catering facilities about the smoking prohibition. In case of violation of the smoking prohibition by visitors of public catering facilities, security guards and security officials are called to politely inform the guest of the violation of the prohibition.
5. The employees of the security, guard and discipline service monitor the compliance of guests, tenants, unauthorized persons and employees of the enterprise with a smoking prohibition in the enterprise (with the exception of hotel rooms, catering facilities and rental premises).
6. If a fact of smoking (or other systems for tobacco consumption in accordance with clause 1 of this Regulation) is detected outside the special designated areas, the officer of the security, guard and discipline service (or other person responsible for monitoring the compliance with the smoking prohibition) informs politely the guest (visitor) about the violation of the prohibition.
7. In the event that the person who has violated the smoking prohibition does not respond to the remark and behaves in a provoking manner, the officer of the security, guard and discipline service calls the police for further actions.
8. In case of violation of the smoking prohibition (place or time) by the employees of the enterprise, the inspector of the security, guard and discipline service executes an internal report addressed to the head of the relevant structural unit. Then the head of the relevant structural unit independently (or on the basis of an internal report from the inspector of the security, guard and discipline service) executes an internal report addressed to the head of the enterprise for taking actions in accordance with clause 10.3 of this Regulation.
9. In case of violation of the smoking prohibition:
9.1. the guests of the Hotel Minsk or catering facility pay a fine in the amount of the costs of anti-smoking cleaning, which is equivalent to 4 basic units;
9.2. the tenants pay a fine in accordance with procedures and amount established in the agreements on premises lease;
9.3. the employee of the enterprise is deprived of the amount of the bonus paid for the month when the violation is identified.
10. The human resources department monitors the acknowledgement of this Regulation by new employees during their admission to job and requires each new employee to sign this Regulation.
The above is executed by:
Engineer on Labor Protection D.B.Shiryaev
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